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Doodle fo Google Contest


FEB 26, 2021

ELIGIBILITY: Applicants must be U.S. citizens or hold permanent resident status; Enrolled in US based K-12 school (incl. homeschool) or a school in Puerto Rico, Guam, or the U.S. Virgin Islands; Children of military personnel abroad can enter this year, and will be judged with applications from their home state. Teachers, Non-profit leader, After school program can enter multiple Doodles at one time, but only one original Doodle per student. Doodles that are not original works, contain logos, or copyright imagery will be disqualified.

​COMPLETE ENTRY REQUIRES: Submit completed Entry form with a 2D or image of 3D Artwork/Doodle based on what kindness means to you; Use any medium; Submit artwork in High Resolution .jpeg or .png formats.

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